5 Reasons to Buy and Protect Rainforests

Rainforests are being destroyed at an alarming rate of around 32 million acres per year, primarily due to human activities like deforestation for agriculture, unsustainable logging, and urban development. The ecosystem services provided by rainforests, like water purification, flood prevention, and soil enrichment, have an estimated value of trillions of dollars annually that is difficult to replicate through human-engineered systems.

There is simply no other option other than protecting these ancient ecosystems that took millions of years to form. While it may seem like a daunting task, owning a portion of a rainforest can have a tremendous impact on the preservation of nature for future generations. In this article, we will provide you with five compelling reasons to buy a rainforest today and make a difference in the world.

The Importance of Rainforests

Here’s my rephrasing of the given information:

In the past, rainforests blanketed a vast 14% of the planet’s land surface. However, their expanse has dwindled alarmingly, now occupying a mere 6% of terrestrial areas. Since 1947, it is estimated that over half of the tropical rainforest regions have been wiped out, leaving only 6 to 7 million square kilometers (3 million square miles) remaining.

They host roughly two-thirds of all the world’s terrestrial species, with many distinct species of plants, insects, birds, amphibians, and mammals that are found nowhere else on Earth. Although rainforests only cover 7% of the Earth’s land, they are home to over 90% of the world’s estimated 5.5 million species of plants and animals. Destroying these crucial ecosystems threatens biodiversity on a global scale and the stability of the resources they provide for human survival.

rainforests globally
Rainforests are critical to the stability of the planet and wellbeing of billions of people around the globe.

Furthermore, rainforests act as massive carbon sinks, storing immense quantities of carbon that would otherwise exacerbate global warming. They also play a vital role in regulating weather patterns worldwide and sustain indigenous communities Remarkably, they absorb approximately one-fifth of the total carbon dioxide emissions released into the atmosphere annually.

Losing the rainforests could mean losing the plants that may hold cures for diseases or becoming unable to absorb enough carbon dioxide to slow climate change. Without trees’ ability to absorb water, global flooding could increase dramatically. 

Reason 1: Fighting Climate Change

Climate change is the most pressing reason to preserve rainforests today. Rainforests store huge amounts of carbon dioxide in their plants and soils, helping stabilize the global climate. Rainforests contain billions of tons of carbon; the Amazon rainforest alone contains over 120+ billion tons of CO2 sequestered above and below ground, multiple times the total amount humans emit each year.

However, deforestation destroys this natural carbon storage as trees are cut down and burned, often releasing their stored carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. For every acre of rainforest destroyed, up to 900 tons of carbon dioxide enter our atmosphere, contributing to global warming, which is increasing temperatures, rising sea levels, and intensifying storms. Deforestation driven by conversion to cattle ranching in the Amazon is estimated to cause 340 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. 

The Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest, is becoming a net emitter of CO2 due to deforestation, which is a huge cause for concern.

The Amazon rainforest alone accounts for around 25% of carbon absorption from the atmosphere, making it a crucial buffer against rising CO2 levels and accelerating climate change. Scientists fear that the Amazon rainforest is becoming a net emitter of carbon. If we are to slow climate change, then protecting rainforests plays a pivotal role, as they are one of the largest carbon storage systems in the world.

Reason 2: Protecting Biodiversity

Rainforests harbor a tremendous amount of the earth’s biodiversity, which makes preserving them imperative. Though they cover only 2 percent of the Earth’s surface, rainforests are home to more than half the world’s plant and animal species. For example, the Amazon rainforest is home to roughly 40,000+ species of plants, 2000+ species of fish, 1,300+ species of birds, 400+ species of mammals, and over 400+ species of reptiles. The devastation sponsored by deforestation, logging, and development is causing species losses at an alarming rate

Scientists estimate that we could be losing 137 plant, animal, and insect species every single day due primarily to rainforest destruction. This should come as devastating news, as It’s estimated that only 1% of tropical rainforest species have been studied for their medicinal value, meaning we may be losing potential cures for diseases before even discovering them 

Reason 3: Preservation of Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous cultures

Rainforests have been home to indigenous people for thousands of years. Over 50 million indigenous people are estimated to live in and depend on rainforests for their livelihoods, yet their rights and lands face increasing encroachment and threats. The Kayapo people of Brazil, for example, use complex sustainable agroforestry techniques built on centuries of ecological knowledge passed down through generations. Preserving rainforests safeguards this invaluable traditional wisdom

Currently, there are over 400 indigenous groups living in Amazon rainforests alone, representing an immense base of traditional ecological knowledge built up over generations. However, indigenous lands and cultures are under threat due to growing deforestation, with indigenous reserves losing trees at a rate 6 times higher than that of protected areas.

Preserving rainforests helps protect the knowledge, cultures, and rights of indigenous forest communities, estimated to number over 350 million people worldwide. Rainforest conservation means we can help ensure indigenous groups maintain access to resources and sacred sites, allowing them to sustain languages, traditions, and skills that enrich humanity’s cultural diversity for future generations.

Reason 4: Ecotourism and Sustainable Economic Development 

Globally, the ecotourism industry generates around $600 billion in annual revenue and employs over 14 million people worldwide. Well-managed ecotourism provides a renewable economic incentive to protect rainforests, unlike environmentally destructive extractive industries like logging, mining, and unsustainable agriculture. Ecotourism, or nature-based tourism, relies on the continued protection of rainforests and can provide an economic incentive for preservation. 

By owning and sustainably managing a portion of rainforest for low-impact tourism, you can create an ecotourism business that benefits the environment, local communities, and the economy for years to come. For example, nearly $2 billion is spent annually by tourists visiting Costa Rica’s national parks and wildlife reserves. Proper planning and management ensure ecotourism enhances the rainforest while minimizing negative impacts, providing an incentive for the long-term conservation of these fragile yet valuable ecosystems.

Reason 5: Leaving a Legacy for Future Generations

Perhaps the most profound reason to preserve rainforests today is to pass on a healthy, vibrant natural world to future generations. Our children and grandchildren deserve to inherit a planet with intact forests, rich biodiversity, and stable climate systems. Without action now, they may instead face a world of depleted resources, degraded ecosystems, and intensifying natural disasters.

Experts have warned that if current deforestation rates continue, the Amazon could reach an irreversible tipping point and transition from rainforest to dry savanna within a few decades, accelerating climate change and biodiversity loss. By owning and conserving a portion of the rainforest today, you can help ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the wonder of a living rainforest for centuries to come. 

We may discover new species and medicines, develop innovative sustainable solutions based on rainforest knowledge, or simply find solace and inspiration from walking among its towering trees. Preserving rainforests today is an investment in a livable, sustainable future for those who come after us—a legacy of hope, opportunity, and wisdom that we can pass on to benefit humanity for generations.

How can you own and protect a rainforest area?

As an individual, trying to purchase rainforest land is problematic and unrealistic. Rainforests are vast, spanning millions of acres, and land ownership is complex, with various stakeholders, laws, and regulations. The costs of purchasing meaningful amounts of land are typically far beyond an individual’s means. Even if the land is purchased, ensuring its proper management and protection would require extensive ongoing resources and oversight.

Fund The Planet has developed an innovative solution through tokenized rainforest land. By tokenizing sections of endangered Peruvian rainforest as Rainforest Tokens that individuals, businesses, and so on, can purchase and own. Funds from Rainforest Token sales go directly to acquiring and protecting rainforest land and can be monitored using the Rainforest Explorer.

Rainforest Token holders are credited with the positive environmental impacts of the rainforests their tokens represent, like carbon capture, biodiversity, and freshwater system stability. By making rainforest land ownership digital and fractional, Fund The Planet has created a way for individuals to meaningfully support and benefit from rainforest conservation in a realistic and affordable manner and also be able to show off their positive impact. 

Lets fund the planet!

Buying a rainforest can be a powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment and preserve nature for generations to come. By protecting biodiversity, mitigating climate change, supporting traditional knowledge, and promoting sustainable development, rainforest ownership can play a critical role in the conservation of our planet. While it comes with challenges, partnering with reputable organizations and developing a management plan can help to ensure the long-term preservation of these vital ecosystems.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I buy rainforest land to preserve it?

You can only do so when you purchase it through an organization that has the means and resources to protect and preserve the land. It is important to carry out proper research and due diligence before attempting to purchase any rainforest land for conservation purposes. Visit FUND THE PLANET to learn more about how you can safely and transparently protect rainforests

How does buying rainforest land translate to protection?

By purchasing land in the rainforest, you are preserving the habitat and biodiversity that exists there from being cleared for agriculture, logging, or development. Your ownership of the land ensures it remains in its natural state and protects the ecosystems and species that live there. The money from land sales also provide funds for long-term protection and management of the forest.

What are the long-term benefits of rainforest conservation?

Rainforest conservation can have significant long-term benefits, including biodiversity preservation, carbon storage, and ecosystem services that are critical for human well-being and the health of the planet.

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Picture of David Imolore

David Imolore

David Imolore is a content writer with FundThePlanet, with a passion for writing on crucial topics such as rainforest conservation, climate change, and sustainability for people and businesses. His passion lies in raising awareness about the importance of preserving our planet's vital ecosystems. Through his writing, he strives to inspire positive climate action and foster a deeper connection between individuals, communities, and the environment.
Picture of David Imolore

David Imolore

David Imolore is a content writer with FundThePlanet, with a passion for writing on crucial topics such as rainforest conservation, climate change, and sustainability for people and businesses. His passion lies in raising awareness about the importance of preserving our planet's vital ecosystems. Through his writing, he strives to inspire positive climate action and foster a deeper connection between individuals, communities, and the environment.
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